Home Up Order Form Mary Mother of Jesus

[Under Construction]

"From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me".                                                                          Luke 1 : 48-49

head of madona.jpg (68234 bytes)          praying madona small.jpg (55584 bytes)           praying madona large.jpg (68196 bytes)
              SL203                              SL206                                    SL205
             10 inch                            11 inch                                   14 inch

madona and child.jpg (94692 bytes)                   madona modern.jpg (85736 bytes)
               SL207                                              SL202
               15 inch                                            11 inch




Madonna and Child - modern SL202 $60.00
Head of Mary SL203 $95.00
Praying Madonna large SL205 $225.00
Praying Madonna small SL206 $95.00
Mary and Child large SL207 $375.00
Send mail to rklacansky@pobox.sk with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 03, 2001